This page contains images of my duplicator, which allows easily recreating plates for any string instrument, up to a cello. This page shows me creating what will become the master from which subsequent tops will be carved. 

Plate Duplicator

I use a Marlin Duplicator available from terrco, inc. At the bottom of the picture is a hand carved top, and at the top, what will end up being a duplicate that will become my master plate for future guitars. side form
This shot shows the process just underway. This creates a tremendous amount of dust, and I'm afraid my dust collector helps very little, as the router spits out dust in all directions
Here's a shot of the form for the top roughed out. I'll sand this smooth, and then fiberglass it for durability.
Here's another shot showing the master and the copy. This took about an hour and  a half, which is longer than I expected when I bought the machine, but far less than it takes to do this by hand, and it's a perfect copy, allowing me easier consistency.